Em 2021, a Arai Energy nasceu de um grande player de trade especializado em álcool e em soluções do mercado sucroenergético.

Arai significa arar e traz seu significado nas atividades do dia a dia, buscando sempre semear, cultivar e fortalecer a base. Temos como expertise a capacidade de produzir diversos tipos de produtos para atender com excelência todo o mercado em que atuamos.

Contamos com o apoio da AMERRA Capital Management, um fundo de capital estrangeiro que oferece soluções financeiras para empresas do agronegócio em países das Américas e Europa. Com esta parceria fortalecemos as relações no segmento sucroenergético do Brasil.

Our commitment

We adopt practices that strengthen the relationship of respect for people and work, environmental preservation, ethics and transparency.

This commitment is SEEDED throughout our chain, from the cultivation of sugar cane, the appreciation of producers to the production of renewable energies, sugar and ethanol.

We want to move people towards a more sustainable world.

Em 2021, a Arai Energy nasceu de um grande player de trade especializado em álcool e em soluções do mercado sucroenergético.

Arai significa arar e traz seu significado nas atividades do dia a dia, buscando sempre semear, cultivar e fortalecer a base. Temos como expertise a capacidade de produzir diversos tipos de produtos para atender com excelência todo o mercado em que atuamos.

Contamos com o apoio da AMERRA Capital Management, um fundo de capital estrangeiro que oferece soluções financeiras para empresas do agronegócio em países das Américas e Europa. Com esta parceria fortalecemos as relações no segmento sucroenergético do Brasil.



Brazil is one of the world leaders in ethanol production, standing out in the creation of clean, renewable energy with reduced carbon emissions.
In this scenario, sugar cane represents a good sustainable alternative, being the main raw material for ethanol, with high levels of productivity and emitting around 80% less greenhouse gases (GHG) than domestic gasoline.

As a player in the sugar-energy segment, we work for a more prosperous and inclusive economy, as well as a more harmonious and healthy planet. That’s why we treat the environment as essential to adding value to society, employees, the state and shareholders.

ETANOL: um dos principais aliados da sustentabilidade

O Brasil é um dos líderes mundiais na produção de etanol, destacando-se na criação de energia limpa, renovável e com redução de emissão de carbono.

Neste cenário, a cana-de-açúcar representa uma boa alternativa sustentável, sendo a principal matéria-prima do etanol, com altos níveis de produtividade e que emite 90% menos gás carbônico que a gasolina.

Como um player do segmento sucroenergético, trabalhamos para uma economia mais próspera e inclusiva, além de um planeta menos poluído. Por isso, tratamos o meio ambiente como essencial para agregar valor à sociedade, colaboradores, estado e acionistas.

ESG in practice

ESG, the acronym for Environmental, Social and Governance, refers to a company’s journey towards the best socio-environmental and corporate governance practices.

We strongly believe that ESG provides value generation and protection for our company, as well as strengthening themes such as conscious consumption, nature conservation, social and economic concern, quality of life and work, citizenship and respect for employees, reduction in the use of natural resources, in other words, actions that have a positive impact on people and the planet.

Although relatively new, the practice of ESG is already part of Arai’s DNA, providing for the generation and protection of our VALUES and the future of the PLANET.



Social and
Economic Concern

Better Quality of
Life and Work

Citizenship and Respect
for Employees

Decreased Use of
Natural Resources

Sowing the Future: our Brazilian sector leads the way in sustainable actions for PEOPLE and the PLANET

Among the economic sectors, none offers more sustainable alternatives than the sugar-energy sector.

Our sugarcane production chain uses intelligent and sustainable processes aimed at:

Low production costs and encouraging the emergence of innovative technologies.
Clean Energy produced through Biomass, a by-product generated from sugar cane, a clean and renewable energy
Organic fertilizer generated through the reuse of industrial by-products in the treatment of juice and ash and soot from the boiler, forming an organic mineral compound that provides increased productivity and good development of the sugarcane plantation. We apply vinasse in a controlled manner to enrich our soil, serving as a natural fertilizer for the sugarcane crop itself as a substitute for mineral fertilizers
The sugarcane plantation absorbs considerable amounts of carbon dioxide in its production cycle, providing a positive balance of stored carbon.

Brazil has great potential to become a global example in the energy transition process. And we at Arai are working to make the world more sustainable!

Social Responsibility

People drive our company, which is why we strive to maintain a positive organizational climate, respecting the principles of the Code of Conduct and aiming for the health and well-being of everyone, as well as promoting socio-economic development in local communities and the development of our nation.

We ensure that all our operations comply with legal requirements, meeting health, safety, environmental and regulatory standards. We apply the best people management practices, encouraging the career development of our employees.

Our Products

Our differential is our versatility, operating in the sugar, ethanol and energy markets.

ETHANOL (anhydrous, hydrated and neutral): with different applications and raw material for various industries, it provides high quality bioenergy.

VHP (Very High Polarization) SUGAR: used as a raw material in other industrial applications and destined for refining.

ENERGY: Negotiated with partners or via the National Electricity Agency (ANEEL).

Segments our products can Serve

• Fuel

In vehicle engines.

• Pharmaceutical industry

As a raw material for manufacturing medicines.

• Chemical industry

In the production of green plastic and chemical products, cleaning products or paints and varnishes.

• Cosmetics

In the manufacture of make-up, creams, perfumes and more.

• Drinks

As ingredients in various alcoholic beverages.

• Exportação

Em negócios variados por todo o mundo, com destaque para Líbia, Japão e China.

Our certifications